Welcome to the official website of the Horizon Europe OPERA project.
OPERA stands for DEVELOPMENT OF OPERANDO TECHNIQUES AND MULTISCALE MODELLING TO FACE THE ZERO-EXCESS SOLID-STATE BATTERY CHALLENGE. It is a research project funded by the European Union, which is performed by a consortium of 12 partners from 7 different European countries.
The project started at 01.06.2023 and will run until 31.05.2026. With it, we want to pave way for the next generation of sustainable solid-state batteries.
Find out more about the project, the consortium and the results!

- Sustainable Development of Li-Ion Batteries Summer School
Save the date: 02.09.2024 – 06.09.2024!
Our coordinator Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is organizing a summer school on “Sustainable Development of Li-Ion Batteries” from 02.09.2024 to 06.09.2024!
Many excellent speakers are invited, lots of knowledge to gain and a lot of interesting talks to have!
For more information, please visit:

Opera’s Consortium Linkedin Feed